A voice could influence a room of people, a room of people could influence a citizens of the city. The citizens of the city could influence people of a country. The people of a country could influence the people of world.-Barack Obama
Actually, I was going through a tough time and your speech indeed helped me to figure out the struggles. I’d highly recommend your speech to anyone who needs motivation and a more fulfilled life.
This is the best stunning speech ever! I wish I had met you a year ago when I was in depression. Your advice given is very powerful and insightful! I’ll do my fully to “take the broken heart, make it into art.”
Thank you so much for changing the way I see life. Your speech helped me to establish a set of values and stick with it.
It’s a must-listen speech that made me laugh and cry! I appreciate you a lot to help me make a real lasting impact change in lives!
Thinking innovation, progress and change
Creating idea, improvement and transformation
The road of the innovation and leadership
見政客橫流 貪圖弄權 呼風喚雨
Politicians gather be greedy for power
summon wind and call for rain
何尋政治家 誓為人民 遮風擋雨
How to seek the statesmans vow to benefit people. Keep out wind and rain
自私的人 最怕無私的人
The selfish people are most afraid of
the selfless people.
貪婪的人 最怕無欲的人
The greedy people are most afraid of
the unambiguous people.
恣妄者把錢權帶走 把民心留下
The unscrupulous ones take the benefits away,leave the hearts of people.
Over the next decade, Taiwan
Can not feed the fish in the sea,
but sow the seedlings on the land.
合眾為一 成志一擊
One for All, All for One
Remember and never forget,
the People and the Land.
序 言
“We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.” 我們都生活在陰溝裡,但仍有人正仰望星空。— Oscar Wilde
Every generation could be the best of times, also could be the worst of time, when the total debt of the government is up to 20 trillion NT dollars, and every citizen is in debt over one millions dollars, when it comes to issues like global competitiveness, high percentage of unemployment, gap between urban and rural areas, disparity between the poor and the rich, imbalance of industry development, increasing price on daily essential, rising elderly population, declining birth rate and low salary, facing all of these phenomena, what should we do in the next decade of Taiwan?
出於淑世的熱切,對人民、土地與家園的關懷,甫自十六歲起,足跡遍訪台澎金馬蘭綠,至今長達十多年,行腳基層20萬多公里,一步一腳印,雖一己之力有限,卻是每位新生代的責任所在,透過民意調查、田野訪談及數據資料分析,研究台灣經貿發展、社會福利、農業政策、教育文化、多元族群等重大社會議題,建置《2030國政民情白皮書》,觀察政策制度、民生民情與時局變遷、掌握社會脈動,尋找台灣未來的關鍵字,盼影響當代思潮,成為下一輪世代的備忘錄。Every generation could be the best of times, also could be the worst of time, when the total debt of the government is up to 20 trillion NT dollars, and every citizen is in debt over one millions dollars, when it comes to issues like global competitiveness, high percentage of unemployment, gap between urban and rural areas, disparity between the poor and the rich, imbalance of industry development, increasing price on daily essential, rising elderly population, declining birth rate and low salary, facing all of these phenomena, what should we do in the next decade of Taiwan?
目 錄
研究編號:H-16575EI〈影響總統施政民意因素在重大事件中之探討〉 〈Comparisons of the factors influencing President’s Approval Rating among Major Events〉
研究編號:E-56483UI〈全球經濟戰略佈局─「一帶一路」中的台灣位置〉 The global economy strategic layout – “The Belt and Road in Taiwan position
研究編號:Y-64267SC〈川普經濟學─美國貿易新政對台灣影響〉 Trump economics. The impact of American trade on Taiwan
研究編號:D-19057FS〈創新創業之國─從以色列經濟奇蹟看台灣〉 The country of innovation and entrepreneurship — Israel’s economic miracle
研究編號:J-21238HS〈美國總統布希、柯林頓、歐巴馬與川普之美中兩岸政策對台之影響〉 〈The effect of the U.S. president Buch, Clinton and Obama’s cross-strait policy to Taiwan〉
研究編號:K-30804FD〈小泉與安倍政府之台日經貿合作關係比較〉 〈Comparisons on the economic and trade collaboration and relationship between Japan and Taiwan under administration of Japanese prime ministers Koizumi and Abe〉
研究編號:L-21238YD〈臺灣總體經濟受油電雙漲之影響程度分析〉 〈Analysis on the impact of higher gas and electricity rates on Taiwan macroeconomics〉
研究編號:F-32158SD〈高科技中小企業創新策略、成功關鍵與績效關聯之探討〉 〈Investigation on hi-tech SME innovation strategies, keys to success and connections of performances〉
研究編號:U-73058EI《愛無國界─台灣國際人道救援發展之策略》 Research on the development of international humanitarian relief in Taiwan
People are the basis of a country. The presidential approval rating reflects people’s perception toward the president’s performance. Research on presidential approval rating is a relatively new topic in Taiwan, therefore leads to inadequate research on major events. The target of this research is to investigate comparisons of the factors influence president’s approval rating among major events, including domestic, diplomatic, judicial and cross-straits relationship.
By adopting empirical study and secondary research methodology, the purpose of this study is to analyze factors related to presidential approval ratings, trust and confidence in the future, according to poll results published by Television Broadcasts Satellite (TVBS) network between 2008 and 2015.
The independent variable is demographic variable, as well as the dependent variables is in satisfaction, trust and confidence in the future. The scope of this research includes the United States beef imported to Taiwan (domestic event), the project benevolence and friendship (diplomatic event), ex-Cabinet official indicated for corruption (judicial event), and cross-strait agreement on trade in services (cross-straits relationship event).
Through the method of multiple regressions, the study finds that the socio-demographic variables of party identification and education level have significant influence on presidential approval ratings in four major events. People with higher education are more dissatisfied with the president. The Pan-Blue Coalition believes in president much firmly than other coalition. The study finding may serve as a guide for further research on execution and research on approval rating.
According to the Global Report on Artificial Intelligence Development (2017), the global AI funding for 2016 is $ 9.22 billion. From 2000 to 2016, the United States remains the most powerful country in the global AI industry with a scale of 20.7 billion U.S. dollars, 7.5 times that of China (2.76 billion U.S. dollars). However, the number of patent applications in China has surpassed that of the United States. From 2005 to 2014, the number of applications for global artificial intelligence patents ranked the top 3 in the United States, China and Japan, accounting for 73.85% of the total number of applications worldwide. During the period, the number of patent applications in China increased 2.9 times, much higher than the United States 1.26 times.
The national innovation system reflects the state’s integration of science and technology and provides an overall analysis of the industrial status. This study will incorporate the model of a national innovation system put forward by scholars based on the national innovation system aspect proposed by the OECD. Emphasize the interaction between the elements, and conclude three aspects to explore the innovation environment of the AI industry in the United States, China and Japan. First, the main body of innovation activities, including government and innovation policies, private enterprises, funding, science and technology entrepreneurship development support and personnel training. Second, the connection and interaction among the main bodies of innovation activities include the integration of technology research and development, technology diffusion and the interaction between formal and informal. Third, industry demand, research future technology and market development. Using literature analysis and expert opinion to make suggestions for the national innovation system of Taiwan’s future AI industry.
〈Comparisons of the factors influencing President’s Approval Rating among Major Events〉
The global economy strategic layout – “The Belt and Road in Taiwan position Since the Marshall plan, “The Belt and Road is the world’s largest foreign economic plan, along the coverage area covers the 12 ASEAN countries, South Asia, West Asia countries 18 countries, CIS 7 countries and 16 countries of Eastern Europe, a total of 66 countries and regions. A total of 65% of the population, 3/4 energy, 40% of GDP, and $900 billion investment.
In the face of the global market demand weakened, Taiwan export slump, in “The Belt and Road” to develop export-oriented economy, will affect the economic and trade relations between East Asia and cross-strait division of labor, and the impact of foreign development of enterprises in Taiwan. What is the opportunity for Taiwan to see ASEAN take off and return to the heart of the world? Thinking how to set the Taiwan development strategy, effectively link the idea of ASEAN, promote infrastructure and interconnection, and achieve common prosperity.